
“It is clearly evident to all who have eyes to see, that if the following list of people choose to have a political persuasion they almost always choose the Democrat Party.

#1. The Irreligious – Those who find it foolish or too restraining for them to adhere to any core religious and moral beliefs, and who at best are indifferent to people of Faith and at worse, people who are hostile towards religion and people of Faith, find a comfortable home in the Democratic Party.
#2. The Irresponsible – Those who feel no shame in living off the labors of others, nor have any qualms for being a non-contributing member of society, feel right at home in the Democrat Party.
#3. The Immoral – Those who have chosen to live a life of sin, sex, perversion, drinking and carousing, want affiliations who will condone and even promote their godless lifestyle while making them feel comfortable in their Immoral lifestyle. They do not find such acceptance and support in the Republican Party, but the Democratic Party is more than eager to do so for their votes, so again, they find themselves right at home in the Democrat Party.
#4. The Ignorant – I am willing to accept that many Democrats are just Ignorant. Ronald Reagan once said that: “Democrats are not ignorant, they just believe so many things that are not so.” That is a kind way of saying it without saying it. Many in the party are not informed, brainwashed by Liberalism, or uninterested in really taking the time to look at the eventual consequences of the corrupt policies of their Party. Many also still fail to see that the Democrat Party of years ago is not the same Party they have today. They have a blind loyalty to the party of their Fathers, and find it easier to stay than to go.
There is one thing that is certain, and that is, if the Church and America ever experiences a genuine, heaven-sent Revival, their will be radical change in the hearts, minds, and actions of our people. The Irreligious will become Religious ( and I use that term to mean a personal and committed relationship with Jesus, not an empty form of religion), the Irresponsible will become Responsible, the Immoral will become Moral, the Ignorant will experience an Opening of their Eyes to the Truth.
Another thing is for certain, and that is, if Genuine Revival comes to America the Democrat Party would change or the majority of Democrats would change Party, they would no longer feel comfortable and at home in such an immoral swamp.
Why wait, do it now while you can still save the soul of America and pass on to your children and grandchildren the same Nation you inherited from your parents.

~Jack Woodard
1 Corinthians 2:2; 2 Corinthians 4:5

About Jack Woodard

I am a Baptist Pastor. [Calling the Church to Revival and Sinners to Salvation for 42 Years]
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  1. the603 says:

    I may be an irreligious, irresponsible, and immoral Democrat, but I do know that you’ve made no fewer than five grammatical errors. I guess that means I’m not fully ignorant.

    How can you be a conservative and spell Ronald Reagan’s name wrong?

    • Jack Woodard says:

      Thank you for pointing out my errors, I have corrected them. I would hope that since I have pointed out the errors of your way that you would correct yours as well.

  2. John says:

    Absolutley on the mark!

  3. Linda says:

    Bro. Woodward, Thank you for standing up for what you believe. I am a Pastor’s wife and I know how hard it gets sometimes. People are so blinded by the devil. My husband preaches the Word of God ( KJV). We want to see people get saved before it is to late. I believe His coming is so close. We need to stay faithful in these times of people trying to take our Christian Faith from us. Please pray for my husband. His name is Lynn. I pray God blesses you today.

    • Jack Woodard says:

      Linda, Thank you for your sweet and encouraging comments, I and my wife know exactly how you will and will lift you and your husband up to the Lord in our prayers. Stay Faithful.
      Bro Jack
      2Peter 5:7

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